Week #22-A —MKMMA Control

This week I focused on Scroll VI  The world we live in is one of duality  and temporality, Scroll VII brought that fact home to me this week.

Moods are temporary  OG states “It is one of natures tricks, little understood, that each day I awaken with moods that have changed from yesterday.  Yesterday’s joy will become today’s sadness;  yet todays’ sadness will grow into tomorrow’s joy.  Inside me is a wheel constantly turning from sadness to joy, from exultation to depression, from happiness to melancholy.  Like the flowers, today’s full bloom of joy fades and wither into despondency, yet I will remember that as today’s dead flower carries the seed of tomorrow’s bloom so, too, does today’s sadness carry the seed of tomorrow’s joy.    Today I will be master of my emotions.”

To be able to be fully human and have all our emotions, but in control of them instead of our emotions controlling us is such a wonderful gift.                              

“Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions: strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts?”  OG

As I begin to understand and develop my awareness and skill around emotions and control  it is becoming clear that it opens the doorway to humility.   As I begin to see how my emotions/moods affect me I also realize it in others. 

I also see how emotions give us life.  They have energy behind them and to be able to master the type of energy I live with each day and exude is an incredible gift.

OG states:  “From this moment I am prepared to control whatever personality awakes in me each day.  I will master my moods through positive action and when I master my moods I will control my destiny.”

Control, sweet control–control of the being.  No denial, just control.

Many Blessings!

Week #22—Thougt, Vibrations, and Healing–MKMMA

I am beginning to realize we are on a journey to either start or continue our spiritual awakening in the MKMMA course. I know each individual who started the course came in at different levels of study and awareness, and each of us are getting what we need to excel in our individual journey, which is incredible in itself. I am learning so much from each person in the course as they write and share their experiences.

This week we were asked to practice being in silence, an incredible tool to expand and take us deeper into our journey within

A book written by Valarie Hunt, “The infinite Mind: The Science of Human Vibration” is one I studied awhile back when I was studying “Zen BodyTherapy”. These past few weeks I pulled it out and have been going through it again. Its as though I never read it before. So many things she states are so much clearer now, with new meaning and understanding.

Given this week was on thought and healing our bodies along with being in silence I wanted to share this with you from Valarie Hunts Book; “The Infinite Mind: The Science of Human Vibrations”.

“How can we grow to acknowledge our divine nature? First, we must quiet ourselves from the fury of living and doing, to the silence of being and feeling. We must recognize that we can’t make it happen, but we can negotiate its occasion. Secondly, we must carefully survey the quality of human awareness around us, in our friends, acquaintances and work associates. Do these nourish our higher nature, drag us down, or provide nothing? you will notice that as you enliven spiritually, those of your friends who do not will fade from your orbit.

We modern humans announce that we are no longer content with vicarious religious experiences. We want our lives touched spiritually and deeply. A personal God who is accessible must be part of a new world model. We want to feel the hand of God touch us. Through that hand we will move others to higher levels, to heal and know beyond what we have learned. At these times we become human interveners. We sense the source of that power, but we are not merely channels. We are God manifest on this earth.

At first we will find it earth-shattering to comprehend humanness on the divine plane. Only by observing it in others and by comprehending its glory do we learn that it is our evolutionary work to bring such insights and experiences to this earth. For such knowledge we will give profound thanks.

Evolution does not occur by happenstance. Its goal is to bridge the levels of consciousness so that we live on all levels with all capacities simultaneously. It takes place in the mind with what that mind selects as worthy of its dedication. What has your mind selected from your experiences? Mind mastery is the soul’s unavoidable journey.

When God is experienced, this event is as real as any sensory perception of one’s own self. In those instances, we have victory over death and pain. We are in touch with the ongoingness of the soul. We understand the divine plan and our role in it. We come closer to perfection, and we are worthy being called God’s co-creator. Science and spirituality started together and then diverged for many centuries. Now they are coming back together. Two of the greatest forces in human thoughts are science and spirituality. Lederman, one of our eminent particle physicists, said “I think we are on the threshold of finding God–or at least higher glory. We haven’t found it yet, but even science is looking in the right direction”. Science has given us new insight that as our field grows in vibrational complexity, as we maintain its dynamic position on the ridge of chaos, our God-like nature will dominate our consciousness and our life”.</p>

Many Blessings

Week #21 MKMMA — Emotions

This week we were asked to look at how to use our emotions of anger, fear, unworthiness, guilt, jealousy and hurt feelings to expand our comfort zone. 

As I began this process, I noticed I had to expand my awareness, stop and think before I responded when I recognized one of these emotions occurring, which gave me access to a different outcome from my normal response.  I actually saw I had a choice in the moment, I could actually  choose how to  respond/react if I stopped, took the time to think, take control of my being through awareness.   But, what are emotions? One source  I found said

“Emotion is aroused energy, a human power source.”  We know that without some level of energy arousal from emotion, there is no life.”   from the book Infinite Mind.

Also the next three statements I found most intriguing and engaging to my inquiry:

 “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  Recognition of the mystery of the universe is the source of all true science.  He to whom emotions are a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.”  by Albert Einstein.

“I believe that in  the last years of the 20th century, the truly monumental discoveries about human behavior will be information about the emotions associated with the profoundly mystical qualities of the human psyche, the soul.”  by Valarie Hunt

“If we wish to be truly human, we must cultivate our mystical nature.  This requires re-examination of our beliefs about emotions”  by Valarie Hunt

Socrates, many centuries ago, wisely stated;  “To know they self will set you free.”

So, this simple exercise has taken me to a deeper level of this journey within.  Emotions!  I think I could spend years on this topic alone.  Thank you Mark J and team for leading us to this great inquiry into the world within and what is possible on this Hero’s Journey.

Week #20 MKMMA- Within

Reading Haanel this week was very profound  and I found the following two points he made very engaging:

“To become inspired means to get out of the beaten path, out of the rut, because extraordinary results require extraordinary means.  When we come into a recognition of the Unity of all things and that the source of all power is within, we tap the source of inspiration.”

“We are told that” In Him we live and move and have our being,” and we are told that “He” is a Spirit, and again, that “He” is Love, so that every time we breathe, we breathe this life, love, and spirit.  This Pranic Energy, or Pranic Ether, we could not exist a moment without it.  It is the Cosmic energy; it is the Life of the Solar Plexus.”

I have been contemplating these two points this week and finding there is a whole reality I know very little about the world within.  I remember I did a 9 day intensive that was so beyond words and I walked in and sat down and the leader said close your eyes and go within.  I found it so difficult to sit their with my eyes closed and thought oh my God if I have to do this for 9 days I will never make it.  I had absolutely no clue what going within meant.  It was the first time I was introduced to the world of going within.  I did make it through and had a new appreciation for what going within meant and how incredibly sweet it was to do.

Doing MKMMA and doing the work of the course has shown me and taken me deeper into the world within.  It takes practice, awareness, desire, courage, and so many other qualities, which we all have, to go on this journey within.  We just need to do it.  I think it is safe to say it is our next frontier for us to journey into (if we choose).

What is really possible when we live there?


Week # 19 MKMMA -I AM

I took the time this week to watch the movie “I AM” and what a beautiful movie.  It left me very inspired and uplifted.   I was once told by a spiritual master the “the greatest gift as individuals we could give to world was to become aware of the truth and change our consciousness and break free of our attachment to the material world.”  Bottom line to go within and find out who we really are and live life from that scared place.  The movie ” I AM”  in my opinion was one man’s journey into that place, to find the truth, that material things do not bring happiness, love, freedom, joy, it comes from within. 
The movie demonstrated that as we change our consciousness it is not only for ourselves,  but with a collective consciousness we can and will change our world.  The movie demonstrated mans true nature is  to care for others even though at this time caring for others is mostly covered over by a drive for material things.  That true nature tends to come out in a crisis, where in most instances humanity rallies to help one another. 

Below is a quote I want to share with you:

“The only thing people really care about , truly care about, is the love of God.

The thing they want more than anything is love, And without that connection to God, they can’t have the feeling of love they really want.

There is nothing greater.

There is nothing more important to each and every human being than love.

It is everything.”   Gourasana

Many Blessings!


Week #18 MKMMA-Breaking Free

“It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.” C. S. Lewis

This is how I am feeling this week, like I am shedding a shell and giving myself permission beyond a doubt to be who I am and express my individuality. Our creator in his/her wisdom has given each of us our unique individual spirit and gifts to bring to world.

Only those who are courageous enough to step outside the box and create through thought and connection to the Universal bring forth the miraculous, however big or small it may be.

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” Muhammed Ali

I am choosing to Fly into the unknown, and take risks to discover what living in communion with the Universal brings. I feel like a newborn with a whole world to discover and master.

Many Blessings!

Week #17-Hero’s Journey-MKMMA

As the Hero’s Journey continues, I am finding my life changing in so many ways. I am finding so much gratitude for so many things, simple things in my life. As I continue to keep acknowledging daily what I am grateful for, my life is changing before my eyes. By continuing to go within, I am finding a peace and happiness that is so real and nurturing it takes my breath away.

A quote by Tara Brach:
“True refuge is that which allows us to be at home, at peace, to discover true happiness. The only thing that can give us true refuge is the awareness and love that is intrinsic to who we are. Ultimately, its our own true nature.”

Aw quote by Dada Vaswani:
“Happiness, true happiness, is an inner quality. It is a state of mind. If your mind is at peace, you are happy. If your mind is at peace, but you have nothing else, you can be happy. If you have everything the world can give -pleasure, possessions, power – but lack peace of mind you can never be happy.”

As I find this inner peace and continue to go deeper into this journey within, I am able to give to myself and others. The MKMMA course is an incredible structure that provides a way to travel this Hero’s Journey of self discovery by taking the journey within. We are venturing into a new world of love, kindness, gratitude, humility, awareness and how to live powerfully in this world.

One thing I am learning and I’d like to share, is that kindness and giving to others makes me happy and brings me great joy. Giving does not have to cost money, you can give of yourself in so many ways. We can give people the gifts of:
your humility
being present and smile at them
listening to them
your self-control
your gratitude

There are so many ways to give, I could go on and on. Not only does it bring others happiness or joy, but the giver gets so much in return. “You can’t get love unless you give it.”

I have found the key to success with this course is to do the work, live the practices, incorporate them into my life and know the transformation will occur if I am participating fully. The MKMMA course cannot do it for me, it can only provide the structure, knowledge and guidance. It takes me participating and doing the work. Success is the outcome if I am disciplined to do the work and NEVER GIVE UP!

I am truly grateful I said yes to the invitation to do the course and that I have not listened to my internal conversations/old blue print, that has screamed in my head to quit along the way. I am truly blessed to be on this journey with such incredible leaders and people who are bold enough to take this journey within on.

Everyone participating —Thank you —without each of you this would not be happening.
Many Blessings and sending each of you love!

Week #17 –MKMMA-The Power of Meditation, Intuition and Concentration

Week #17 MKMMA–Intuition and Concentration


One of the practices in the MKMMA course is meditation.  I have been meditating for many years and find it to be a very powerful tool to develop a healthy mind, body and soul, and also a way to deepen my connection to God. There are many different meditation practices available,  so one can always find a practice to suit them. Sitting quietly, sitting quietly and listening to music, chanting, Zen, breath meditation and so many more.   I believe if someone takes the time to meditate or one could say go within, incredible results occur for each person.  I was very delighted that this practice was a part of the MKMMA course.  This week our focus during our meditation was to concentrate on an area of life we wanted to bring into existence.

The meditation practice I have been doing for many years has 5 components to it,  The one which in my opinion is very important is the thinking part, called meditative thinking.  After calming the being, I sit quietly and think or concentrate on a area of life that I want answers to and listen for the answers.  I always have a pad of paper and pen during this part so I can write down what messages I get so I can take them into my life and put them into action.

This week in our study material from Haanel he states; “Intuition usually comes in the Silence: great minds seek solitude frequently; it is here that all the larger problems of life are worked out.  For this reason every businessman who can afford it has a private office, where he will not be disturbed; If you cannot afford a private office you can at least find somewhere, where you can be alone a few minutes each day, to train the thought along lines which will enable you to develop that invincible power which is necessary to achieve.”  From my perspective a result of meditation and meditative thinking.

Haanel also states; “Intuition arrives at conclusions without the aid of experience or memory.  Intuition often solves problems that are beyond the grasp of the reasoning power.  Intuition often comes with a suddenness that is starting; it reveals the truth for which we are searching, so directly that it seems to come from a higher power. Intuition can be cultivated and developed; in order to do this it must be recognized and appreciated.”

Haanel states that “Concentration operates by the development of the powers of perception, wisdom, intuition and sagacity.  Intuition is superior to reason “because it does not depend upon experience or memory and frequently brings about the solution to our problems by methods concerning which we are in entire ignorance.

Also, he states; “Always concentrate on the ideal as an already existing fact; this is the germ cell, the life principle which goes forth and sets in motion those causes which guide, direct and bring about the necessary relation, which eventually manifest in form.”

I have a new and deep appreciation for the MKMMA course body of knowledge and  the practice of meditation.  It is truly a multi-dimensional journey within, with incredible access to so much insight and power to realize the power of concentration and intuition, to live a life beyond our dreams.

Week #16–MKMMA-Kindness

One of our assignments this week was to observe and report on the acts of kindness we witnessed. What an incredible week! 

I discovered that acts of kindness are going on all the time, but unfortunately, because I am always so busy, or in a hurry or thinking of things I need to do or solve etc.  I am not able to appreciate what is actually happening in my world.

By slowing down, expanding my awareness and focusing on kindness, I was able to see and experience it in a very powerful way.   Simple things like while driving, someone letting me change lanes.  The woman I have taking care of my disabled husband, rubbing his legs and feet out of kindness and love.   My aunt going over to keep my mom company so she wasn’t alone and being willing to drive an hour to do it.  A simple smile from a clerk in a store, returning  the shopping cart to the store, someone letting me go in front of them in the grocery line.  The people who open the door for me when I am pushing my husband’s wheel chair.  Someone telling you your hair looks good, or they like what you are wearing.  Someone asking how your family is.  I could go on and on.

By observing others and kindness in general, I was able to see how I too show acts of kindness and also the missed opportunities I have where others are being kind to me just because I am in an unconscious state.

This week, I discovered by living in the awareness of kindness it is an incredible space to be in.  To appreciate acts of kindness others give to me and how much joy and fulfilling it is to give kindness to others.  The week was spectacular.  It is so much sweeter,  I will continue on and let it grow.


Week #15–MKMMA–Awarness is the beginning of change

Week #15 is packed full of incredible tools to expand our awareness and insight, driving forces facilitating our ability to change and transform. Each week up to this point has been like building blocks loaded with so many opportunities to learn and practice and then practice some more. Each of us developing new habits, distinctions, insights, consciousness, purpose, gratitude, love, passion, desire and I could go on and on.

From my personal point of view, what is the key to the many teaching we are studying and learning is the practice, repetition from utilizing the different tools, the insights and the many different approaches we are incorporating in the learning as we continue to transform ourselves. What is most exciting, is that I have embarked on a lifetime journey, there is no end to what is available. Change and transformation is becoming a way of life.
Not just a way of life but an exciting adventure that has no limits or end and is full of possibility and love.

I am beginning to see the world, life from different eyes. I am able to connect to myself and others from a loving caring, compassionate place. The travel within has so many benefits: self discovery, love for self and others, the ability to tap into the universal intelligence (we definitely are not alone) and understanding and living from the laws of the universe. I learned this week the “Law of Attraction is the really the Law of Love, which is the creative principle of the Universe, imparts vitality to thought and the Law of Attraction brings the necessary substance by the Law of Growth.” Talk about food for thought.

A quote from Haanel “To every man there openeth a way, And the high soul climbs the high way, And the low soul gropes the low: And in between on the misty flats, The rest drift to and fro. But to every man there openeth A high way and a low And every man decideth The way his soul shall go.

We all have a choice. I am grateful that when presented with this opportunity I said yes. I am grateful that I have been blessed with the opportunity to be on this journey with such incredible people who are bold enough to venture out into the unknown with such trust and faith.